Message Key | Error Message |
AARMEMB_EXISTS | Cannot delete, membership information exists |
Must delete membership record (AARMEMB) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
AFRCSLT_EXISTS | Cannot delete, member of a solicitor organization |
Must delete solicitor organization (AFRCLST) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
AFRCTYP_EXISTS | Cannot delete, they have been assigned as a solicitor |
Must delete solicitor record (AFRCTYP) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
AFRCTYP2_EXISTS | Cannot delete, they have been assigned to a solicitor |
Must delete solicitor record (AFRCTYP) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
AMREXRT_EXISTS | Cannot delete, external ratings exist |
Must delete external ratings (AMREXTR) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
AMRINFO_EXISTS | Cannot delete, prospect information exists |
Must delete prospect information (AMRINFO) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRACTY_EXISTS | Cannot delete, activity information exists |
Must delete activity information (APRACTY) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRADEG_EXISTS | Cannot delete, academic history exists |
Must delete academic history information (APRADEG) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRCHIS_EXISTS | Cannot delete, giving history record exists |
Must delete giving history information (APRCHIS) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRCHLD_EXISTS | Cannot delete, child data exists |
Must delete child information (APRCHLD) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRCONF_EXISTS | Cannot delete, comments exist |
Must delete comment information (APRCONF) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRCSPS_EXISTS | Cannot delete, spouse information exists |
Must delete spouse information (APRCSPS) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APREHIS_EXISTS | Cannot delete, employment history data exists |
Must delete employment history information (APREHIS) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APREXCL_EXISTS | Cannot delete, exclusions exist |
Must delete exclusion information (APREXCL) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRMAIL_EXISTS | Cannot delete, mail codes exist |
Must delete mail code information (APRMAIL) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRPMEM_EXISTS | Cannot delete, pledge soft credit information exists |
Must delete pledge soft credit information (APRPMEM) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRPROS_EXISTS | Cannot delete, special purpose information exists |
Must delete special purpose information (APRPROS) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRSALU_EXISTS | Cannot delete, salutations exist |
Must delete salutation information (APRSALU) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRVIPC_EXISTS | Cannot delete, variable purpose information exists |
Must delete variable purpose information (APRVIPC) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
APRXREF_EXISTS | Cannot delete, cross references exist |
Must delete cross-reference information (APRXREF) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
ASRSORG_EXISTS | Cannot delete, member of a solicitor organization. |
Must delete solicitor organization information (ASRSORG) before deleting Advancement individual record. |
INVALID_ATYP_CODE_CM | Invalid value for Combined Address Type |
Combined address type must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
NO_ADDR_ATYP_CODE_CM | No active address for Combined Address Type |
Combined address type must exist in the Address table (SPRADDR). |
INVALID_ATYP_CODE_GEOR | Invalid value for Region Address |
Region address code must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
NO_ADDR_ATYP_CODE_GEOR | No active address for Region Address |
Region address code must exist in the Address table (SPRADDR). |
INVALID_ATYP_CODE_PREF | Invalid value for Preferred Address Code |
Preferred address code must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
NO_ADDR_ATYP_CODE_PREF | No active address for Preferred Address Code |
Preferred address code must exist in the Address table (SPRADDR). |
MISSING_ADDR_ATYP_CODE_PREF | Missing mandatory value for Preferred Address Code |
Enter a valid Preferred Address Code. |
INVALID_COLL_CODE_PREF | Invalid value for Preferred College Code |
Preferred college code must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_DOTT_CODE | Invalid value for Occupation Title |
Occupation title must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_INCM_CODE | Invalid value for Income Level |
Income level must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_NATN_CODE_HOME | Invalid value for Nation of Origin |
Nation of origin code must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_PIDM | Invalid or missing pidm |
PIDM must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_PREF_CLAS | Invalid value for Preferred Class Year |
Preferred class year must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
INVALID_STAT_CODE_HOME | Invalid value for State/Province of Origin |
State/province of origin must be valid in the Constituent Information table (APBCONS). |
MISSING_PIDM | Missing mandatory value for APBCONS_PIDM |
Enter a valid PIDM (SPRIDEN) for the individual. |
MISSING_PREF_CLAS | Missing mandatory value for Preferred Class Year |
Enter a preferred class year for the individual. |
PK_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find record using primary or unique key |
PIDM does not exist as an individual. |
P_DELETE_FAILED | Cannot delete, record does not exist |
PIDM does not exist as an individual. |
RECORD_EXISTS | Cannot create, record already exists |
PIDM already exists as an individual. |